I guide you to unleash the body and life of your dreams by getting free of inflammation and aligning foods to the ones your body and mind desire.

I guide you to unleash the body and life of your dreams by awakening your heart and aligning your foods to the ones YOUR body desires.

As Featured By: 

As Featured By: 

Kim Love | Nutritionist And Wellness Coach For Over 16 Years

Discover the programs that have helped thousands heal and transform their relationship with food, their body and their life.

Live in their dream body even if nothing else has worked

Sleep all night like the QUEEN they are and triple your energy

Be librated from overages, oversugaring, overcarb, overwine, consumption

Radiate brightly. Be present with themself and those they love. Feel Joy.




  Radiant Life Program

Rapidly triple your energy, sleep all night, reverse overwhelm & stress and in so doing, watch the weight release with grace and ease!
Radiant Life Program is a Food Tuning program that has helped thousands get FAST physical results they never knew were possible, and in only 14-ish days!

Option to then discover how to align your foods to the ones YOUR body and mind desires so that you can learn all you need to know to keep it going

Find out How

Come into a new relationship with yourself, your body and the things that throw you off - sugar, carbs, wine.
Get FREE of cravings and crazy making thoughts about foods and what to eat, or not eat.

Effortlessly maintain your radiance by remaining free of inflammation so that you continue sleeping, having loads of energy, being free of pain and anxiety and living in a body you love.

Find out How

   Sustain Your Radiance and Body


Liberate Your Body


Self-love filled weight-release and body transformation. Come into a new relationship with yourself, your body and the things that throw you off - sugar, carbs, wine.

Reverse looping thoughts rooted in lack - lack of the body you desire, lack of knowing how or what to eat - as you instead come into love, power, peace and wholeness within.

Let powerful food aligning and inner connection practices, release physical and emotional heaviness, and awaken you to the body and life of your dreams.


Find out How

Work with me privately to:

Personalize Food and Physical Results:

  • Triple your energy
  • Sleep all night
  • Reverse Chronic Pain
  • Feel more Present, Peaceful and Powerful
  • Release weight to live in a Body You Love
  • Get Food Clarity
Find out How

  Work Privately 


Work Privately 


Work with me privately to:

Personalize Food and Physical Results:

  • Triple your energy
  • Sleep all night
  • Reverse Chronic Pain
  • Feel more Present, Peaceful and Powerful
  • Release weight to live in a Body You Love
  • Get Food Clarity

Food Aligning and Heart Awakening:

  • Self Love From the Inside Out
  • Release weight WHILE amplifying your inner power and love
  • Heal Your Body, Mind, Heart and Soul
  • Liberate overages - oversugaring, overcarbs, over wine consumption
  • Optimize physical health: energy, sleep, mood
  • Find your Purpose
  • Live with a powerful inner connection to gratitude, love and fulfillment
Find out How




I gained weight and was working a job I was unhappy with. I tried every diet you can name! I met Kim and everything changed! I was in a long term relationship and did not understand why we were not engaged yet. I was so down on myself for so long and this was showing through my mood, energy levels and body. 6 months after working with Kim and my now fiancé has proposed, I’m 25lbs lighter, work out 3x weekly and sleep like a baby!

In only 10 days, I felt more consistent energy, was pain free, with radiant skin, a clear head, focused mind, positive feelings of potential, less irritability around family and rapid weight loss with simple reliable tools to maintain it. I’ve learned to fully embrace ALL the foods I eat - with mind/body/spirit - and am free of guilt, shame and judgement.

Molly H - Dallas, TX

Cheline J - Austin, TX

I have learned that food is a major contributor to my anxiety, foggy brain, aches and pains and many other unpleasant responses in my body. Kim truly cares about the people she works with and is fully committed to helping them. And each time I work with Kim, she helps me discover something about myself that I never expected and makes my life better in ways that I never would be experiencing without her care, knowledge and support.

I have surprised myself with how far I have come. If you lay the groundwork, your body and mind want to go to the right places, to your most healthy places mentally and physically. For me, that is what this program is - learning how to lay that groundwork while listening to my own body and mind. It's about preparing a strong foundation so that I can trust myself as I build something that embodies my values and dreams.

Kelly B - Austin, TX

Diana D - Austin, TX

I feel amazing from this program, and have solved so many previously unexplainable health issues. As a health care provider I have recommended this program to my patients to help with chronic pain, fatigue, weight, joint pain, recovery, athletic performance, etc.. I think anyone could benefit and change their habits.

Mandy W - Austin, TX, PA


I gained weight and was working a job I was unhappy with. I tried every diet you can name! I met Kim and everything changed! I was in a long term relationship and did not understand why we were not engaged yet. I was so down on myself for so long and this was showing through my mood, energy levels and body. 6 months after working with Kim and my now fiancé has proposed, I’m 25lbs lighter, work out 3x weekly and sleep like a baby!

Molly H - Dallas, TX

In only 10 days, I felt more consistent energy, was pain free, with radiant skin, a clear head, focused mind, positive feelings of potential, less irritability around family and rapid weight loss with simple reliable tools to maintain it.

I’ve learned to fully embrace ALL the foods I eat - with mind/body/spirit - and am free of guilt, shame and judgement.

Cheline J - Dallas, TX

I have learned that food is a major contributor to my anxiety, foggy brain, aches and pains and many other unpleasant responses in my body. Kim truly cares about the people she works with and is fully committed to helping them. And each time I work with Kim, she helps me discover something about myself that I never expected and makes my life better in ways that I never would be experiencing without her care, knowledge and support.

Kelly B - Austin, TX

I have surprised myself with how far I have come. If you lay the groundwork, your body and soul want to go to the right places, to your most healthy places mentally and physically. For me, that is what this program is - learning how to lay that groundwork while listening to my own body and soul. It's about preparing a strong foundation so that I can trust myself as I build something that embodies my values and dreams.

Diana D - Austin, TX

I feel amazing from this program, and have solved so many previously unexplainable health issues.

As a health care provider I have recommended this program to my patients to help with chronic pain, fatigue, weight, joint pain, recovery, athletic performance, etc.. I think anyone could benefit and change their habits

Mandy W - Austin, TX, PA







Over 30 years ago, I started on a quest to find personal happiness and health.

In 1995, I received my degree in nutrition. In an effort to be able to use foods to get well, I had chosen a 5 year Nutrition program. However, I could not get well with what I learned, and over the years after graduating, the more diets I tried, the more confused I was about what was right for my body.

It wasn't until I discovered how to get out of food confusion and one size fits all diets and to instead hear my own body and mind that I was able to heal from a physical illness, to ditch my on again off again wine issue and to experience full radiant health and vitality.

From this, my methods were born, and starting in 2008, my team and I have had the gift of serving thousands of clients, with proven innovative results-driven methods to create the body, health, and life of their dreams.



Over 30 years ago, I started on a quest to find personal happiness and health.

In 1995, I received my degree in nutrition, and that same year found a meditation teacher, and began meditating every day.

Yet, it wasn’t until I discovered how to bring everything INSIDE with foods, and practices, that I was able to heal from a physical illness, and also to find happiness, health and self love.

From this, my methods were born, and starting in 2008, my team and I have had the gift of serving thousands of clients, with proven innovative results-driven methods to create the body, health, and life of their dreams.

You can read the full story here

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